30 years on and a new era

Health and science communication webinar On 18 July, the Department of Strategic Communication at the University of Johannesburg in partnership with the Africa Centre and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) presented a hybrid webinar on health and science communication. Titled “30 years on: A new era”, the webinar highlighted the importance and potential of […]

Winter school 2024 part 2: Management in the era of HIV/Aids 

During the recent PgDip winter school, our expert lecturers introduced students to the second semester modules. In this article, we look at the second module, which is all about management in the era of HIV/Aids.  Click on the respective links to find out more about the first and third modules. A business perspective on HIV/Aids […]

Winter school 2024 part 3: Research, monitoring and evaluation

The third module of the second semester syllabus for our PgDip programme deals with all things relating to research and M&E (monitoring and evaluation) of HIV/Aids programmes. To help orientate and prepare students for ending their academic year on a high note, the lecturers introduced the different modules during the recent PgDip winter school.   […]

Winter school 2024 part 1: Prevention and care 

From 8 to 12 July the Africa Centre hosted the first winter school for our PgDip students since 2006. While February’s summer school focuses on orientating students for the year ahead, the winter school provides a valuable opportunity to take stock – both of how the students are doing and how we can adapt and […]

Research in action: PEP uptake among healthcare workers 

Blaise Lukau, one of the Africa Centre’s 2024 MPhil graduates, recently presented his research at the Clinical Research Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Call, with further plans to share the findings with the relevant health authorities.  Clinical Research SSA Call features researchers from several health institutions globally, namely the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and the […]

Consolidoc fellow shares research insights with global audience

Dr Luckmore Chivandire, consolidoc fellow at the Africa Centre, recently presented papers at international and SA conferences, with both being prestigious events aligned to his interests and fields of research.  While Luckmore’s main research area as part of his consolidoc fellowship is corruption and health, these conferences were organised around specific themes. This gave him […]

Consolidoc fellow joins renowned speakers at Gender & Corruption Symposium

Luckmore Chivandire and Munya Saruchera at this week’s Gender & Corruption Symposium. CONSOLIDOC fellows at the Africa Centre for HIV/Aids Management have the opportunity to delve deeper into certain aspects of their PhD research and to raise their research profile. Our most recent consolidoc appointment, Dr Luckmore Chivandire, is making the most of this opportunity.  […]

Dutch student visit to Africa Centre opens up an avenue for collaboration

Students from the Faculty of Business and Economics at Groningen University visited the Africa Centre to gain insights into how HIV/Aids affects the business environment in South Africa, including the daily lives of employees, business practices and issues such as stigma. On 15 May, a group of 22 students and Prof Bartjan Pennink from the […]

Leverage our MPhil students’ research projects and collaborate with us

Conducting research on HIV/Aids management is one of the pillars of the Africa Centre’s objective to play an active role in social, political and economic transformation. After all, quality research is what informs, shapes and determines the effectiveness and success of the practical aspects of managing HIV/Aids, such as policy, community interventions and medical treatment […]

Students present research to prepare for the MPhil journey

A significant chunk of the annual “Master your master’s” workshop, which kicks off the academic year for the Africa Centre’s MPhil students, is dedicated to the students presenting their research topics to their peers. These sessions help to ensure that students have a firm grip of their topic – why it’s important, how they will […]