HIV/Aids and human rights
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In this category, multifaceted issues surrounding HIV/Aids are examined, such as stigma, discrimination and human rights violations, including laws and cultural practices that may increase transmission risk. It also highlights inequalities in accessing HIV/Aids services, emphasising disparities in diagnosis and treatment, as well as broader healthcare inequities driving the epidemic. The importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights is underscored, particularly in combatting unsafe sex practices and limited access to contraception and education, with a focus on vulnerable populations like women and adolescents.

Stigma, discrimination and human rights violations
This theme encompasses issues such as stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV/Aids, HIV criminalisation laws, cultural practices that enable the spread of HIV, deteriorating human rights climate, repressive national laws, xenophobia, social exclusion, as well as the need for LGBTQ+ rights and advocacy.

Inequalities and disparities in access to HIV services
The investigative lens in this theme turns to issues related to persistent inequalities and inequities in diagnosis and access to HIV treatment, healthcare disparities and general inequalities driving the HIV/Aids epidemic.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights
This area highlights the importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights, unsafe sex practices and limited access to contraception and education, especially for women and adolescents, in the context of HIV/Aids prevention and treatment.