
ICASA2023 focuses on inequalities, inclusion and innovation

The 22nd International Conference on Aids & STIs in Africa (ICASA) – the largest HIV and Aids conference in Africa – will take place from 4 to 9 December 2023 in Harare, Zimbabwe. It will be a hybrid (virtual and in-person) event. The theme for this year’s conference is: Aids is not over – addresssing inequalities and accelerating inclusion and innovation.

ICASA2023 is the ideal opportunity for anyone involved in the field of HIV and Aids – healthcare workers, researchers, government officials, community representatives, business leaders – to find out more about the latest scientific advances, learn from others, and develop strategies for collective efforts to end Aids by 2030.

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on the most vulnerable communities, especially in Africa, and threatens the progress made in mitigating the impact of HIV/Aids, TB and malaria. With health systems in Africa already fragile, responses to these infections and diseases have reduced and, in some cases, have come to a complete halt. It’s therefore imperative that Africa continues to mobilise internal and endogenous resources in the fight to end HIV and Aids.

ICASA2023 will focus on the following priorities:

  • Establish mainstream support for the importance of equity, inclusion and diversity in the control and mitigation of disease.
  • Sustain and increase domestic financing and community responses.
  • Refine the response to HIV and Aids, Covid-19, mpox, ebola and other diseases.
  • Mitigate the impact of hepatitis, tuberculosis and malaria by strengthening health systems.
  • Generate evidence-based data for policy formulation.

ICASA2023 is organised by the Society for Aids in Africa – a non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation founded in 1989 by a group of African scientists, activists and advocates – in partnership with the government of Zimbabwe.

From 1 March you can:

For more information about fees, the preliminary programme as well as travel and accommodation, visit the ICASA2023 website.
