MPhil study projects

Assessing awareness and knowledge of the HIV policy as well as determining the HIV-related needs of finance staff at a tertiary institution in the Western Cape

Student: Renata Del Fava-Fry

Country: South Africa

This study aimed to evaluate the awareness and knowledge levels of Stellenbosch University’s (SU) HIV/Aids policy among finance staff and to identify their HIV-related needs as well as their perception of the policy. People participated by completing an online survey over four weeks.

The results revealed low to medium mean scores for awareness-related items, indicating a general lack of familiarity with SU’s HIV-related policy, programmes and services. Knowledge-based items suggested limited understanding of SU’s HIV/Aids policy. Regarding workplace needs, participants expressed a desire for increased policy and programme interventions.

The recommendations included promoting SU’s HIV/Aids policy to foster an organisational culture conducive to open dialogue. Enhancing knowledge levels could involve amending the policy to include standard operating procedures, guidelines and reporting processes for incidents of gender-based violence and HIV-related stigma and discrimination. Revising the policy into a comprehensive operational document aligned with other organisational policies could address participants’ HIV-related needs and facilitate a more integrated approach to HIV/Aids management at SU.
