
ILO shares insights about the changing world of work

Yesterday our #PostgradSummerSchool students had the privilege of listening to Mr Limpho Mandoro (Social Dialogue and Labour Administration Specialist at the International Labour Organization) talk about the changing nature of the world of work.

With Covid-19 one of the key drivers of changes in the labour market in recent years, Mandoro shared insights on some of the lessons related to policy development that will affect how we manage HIV and Aids:

* Tripartism and social dialogue are essential to effective policy development. However, with fiscal consolidation and debt reduction possibly becoming policy priorities, social dialogue may be more challenging in the coming years.
* Involvement of the social partners at all stages of the policy cycle is crucial, from the initial needs assessments to monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
* There is an urgency to address the long-standing institutional and capacity gaps in policy formulation.
* The issues of gender mainstreaming and discrimination must be strengthened in policies.
* Sound M&E processes and tools are critical.
* More research must be done in support of evidence-based policy making.

#HivAidsManagement #aidsresearch #AfricaCentre
