Action on all fronts to #endAids by 2030
And so #SummerSchool2023 draws to a close… The keynote address on Monday truly set the tone for an inspiring week, with Dr David Parirenyatwa passionately making a case for reigniting and accelerating efforts, resources and commitment to addressing HIV and Aids. From there onwards we tackled the fight against the pandemic from every angle: from unpacking the […]
Adapting to incorporate pressing issues
This past week’s #PostgraduateSummerSchool has been all about meeting the next generation of HIV and Aids advocates who are committed to using their time and resources in their respective industries to fight this pandemic and #endAIDS once and for all. Going forward, one of the most obvious challenges is that Covid-19 has, to a large extent, derailed most of […]
Getting to grips with academic writing
The ability to communicate effectively in writing is a vital skill in most aspects of our working and personal lives. In an academic environment, there are very specific writing conventions and readers have certain expectations. Selene Delport, Postgraduate Workshop Coordinator at the #StellenboschUniversity Writing Lab, helps our #PostgradSummerSchool get to grips with these conventions. Yesterday, students were introduced to […]
Keen to get going!
It’s hard to believe tomorrow is the last day of the #2023SummerSchool! The diverse range of topics covered so far by our expert speakers and lecturers undoubtedly inspired our students and they are keen to get going with the course. Let’s cheer them on with the same kind of energy the #KuyasaKids showed in their performance at our #WorldAidsDay event […]
Facilitating active, engaged and impactful citizenship
As part of our community mobilisation session at today’s #PostgradSummerSchool, we’re hosting Eltena Rethman from the Community Chest, which is celebrating its 95th year in 2023. The Community Chest supports the NGO sector by facilitating active, engaged and impactful citizenship through four focus areas – health, education, income generation and community development. The Community Chest has […]
Community mobilisation is vital, and our students help
Community mobilisation plays a vital role in harnessing individual and community strength to promote good health and prepare communities for current and future pandemics – and the effective dissemination of information lies at the core of mobilising communities. In this regard, the Health Promotion South Africa Trust (HPSA) – which is affiliated with both UNESCO […]
Our course reflects the dynamic world of health challenges
HIV and Aids is a dynamic field. And the world around us is constantly changing and new scientific discoveries come to light regularly. To ensure that our #postgraduate course remains relevant, we have made many adjustments over the years. When the course was first presented in 2001, the focus was on preventative strategies – abstain, be faithful, […]
Ongoing challenges around inequalities
The theme for 2022’s World Aids Day commemoration was “Equalise”, highlighting the importance of addressing inequalities such as the continued disproportionate number of HIV infections in women versus men – 64% of people currently living with HIV in South Africa are women. Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng, who specialises in advocating for and defending women’s and children’s […]
Macro-economic and socio-economic impact of HIV and Aids
What is the macro-economic and socio-economic impact of HIV and Aids, especially in the least-developed countries (LDCs)? What does this mean for organisational practices and strategies? Prof André Roux of futures studies at the SU Business School tackled this topic as part of our programme for today’s #SummerSchool2023 sessions. From an economic perspective, HIV and Aids create […]
ILO shares insights about the changing world of work
Yesterday our #PostgradSummerSchool students had the privilege of listening to Mr Limpho Mandoro (Social Dialogue and Labour Administration Specialist at the International Labour Organization) talk about the changing nature of the world of work. With Covid-19 one of the key drivers of changes in the labour market in recent years, Mandoro shared insights on some of the […]