And so #SummerSchool2023 draws to a close… The keynote address on Monday truly set the tone for an inspiring week, with Dr David Parirenyatwa passionately making a case for reigniting and accelerating efforts, resources and commitment to addressing HIV and Aids.
From there onwards we tackled the fight against the pandemic from every angle: from unpacking the practicalities of HIV and Aids in an organisational labour/work context and looking at the pandemic through a business and economic lens, to epidemiology and the role of culture. “Students received an overview of all the various issues relating to HIV and Aids and how these are interlinked, providing them with deep insights into the work that lies ahead,” said Interim Director Dr Munya Saruchera.
The interaction between peers was a definite highlight. While we were available throughout the week to assist students who struggled with registering on and using the online platform, it was gratifying to see that students were also helping and encouraging one another as they embark on this journey together. When graduates from 2022 shared advice and tips, the discussions were just as lively. This student-to-student interface is such an important aspect of learning, creating empathy and eagerness to learn.
To #endAIDS by 2030 will require a concerted effort built on trusted relationships, collaboration, and sharing of resources and expertise. The zealous engagement between our student community this week is a wonderful representation of this united front. We’re all in this together!
#aidsresearch #endAIDS2030 #AfricaCentre #HivAidsManagement #stellenboschuniversity