Student: Gerald Katsamba
Country: Zimbabwe
In healthcare settings, the issue of HIV/Aids-related stigma and discrimination has been recognised as a significant obstacle to care provision. Health workers have been identified as contributors to stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV/Aids. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the correlation between HIV/Aids-related training and the attitudes and perceptions of stigma and discrimination among nurses working in rural clinics in Masvingo district.
Nurses from ten clinics and one district-level hospital were randomly selected to participate. Using a self-administered questionnaire, the study revealed that nurses who received training in HIV/Aids awareness exhibited fewer stigmatising attitudes. Nurses who lacked training in professional engagement with people living with HIV/Aids however displayed increased stigmatising attitudes to key population groups.
The study identified a positive association between nurses’ HIV/Aids awareness training and stigma reduction. Key recommendations included expanding HIV/Aids-related training for nurses, disseminating workplace policies to healthcare workers to better inform their practices and reduce stigma, and incorporating content on managing people living with HIV who are part of key population groups into training programmes.