
Key takeaways for the Summer School

Since the first time we presented the Postgraduate Diploma back in 2001, more than 5 000 students from 40+ countries have completed the course successfully. Meeting new students during the #PostgradSummerSchool who will join this global network of HIV and Aids advocates is always a highlight.

We ideally want students to take away two core messages from this week, says interim director Dr Munya Saruchera (pictured here):

1) They are our key stakeholders and the reason why the Africa Centre exists, which is why we want them to keep us on our toes and true to our commitment to provide them with the support and service they need.
2) We want them to enjoy themselves, have fun and make friends.
These are our future ambassadors, and we look forward to witnessing the impact they’ll make!

#AfricaCentre #HivAidsManagement #SummerSchool2023
