
Let’s reignite and accelerate action (keynote address)

The first day of #SummerSchool2023 is in full swing! The keynote address about the importance of reigniting and accelerating the management of HIV and Aids to end this pandemic by 2030 delivered by Dr David Parirenyatwa (President of the Society for Aids in Africa) was an apt reminder of the value and critical nature of this course.

Dr Parirenyatwa provided a detailed breakdown of what the focus should be in each area of the UNAIDS 95-95-95 model, which sets the target for 95% of people to know their HIV status, access treatment if positive, and reach a state of viral suppression by 2030.

Critically, he highlighted the challenges we’ll have to overcome: weak political will, insufficient investment in and commitment towards prevention efforts, structural barriers (including legal impediments towards women, youth and key populations), and not scaling up proven programmes.

This is a stark but vital reminder that we’ll have to use every available tool to tackle this pandemic from every angle.

#aidsresearch #endAIDS #endAIDS2030 #HivAidsManagement #AfricaCentreSummerSchool
